Etched Metal Company
Request a Quote From Etched MetalMIL-I-45208 | UL Authorized Label Supplier
Etched Metal Company
Request QuoteMIL-I-45208 | UL Authorized Label Supplier

Request a Quote from Etched Metal Company
Office Location, Hours and Contacts
Etched Metal Company
30200 Solon Industrial Parkway
Solon, OH 44139
Phone 440-248-0240 | 800-383-0240
FAX 440-248-3556
Hours Mon-Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Email Don Hunt
Providing unrivaled customer service since 1928
Our expert Account Representatives assist you through the duration of your order–from initial design specifications through shipping and delivery.
We deliver prompt, no-charge accurate estimates and offer time and money-saving suggestions when needed. Our goal is not to just make a sale, but to build a long-term relationship with our clients.
Etched Metal’s production systems allow us to keep a watchful eye on your nameplate project, making sure we deliver on the date you expect.
We understand that market conditions often affect the availability of materials needed, and we alert you to any issues that may arise.
Lastly, you are always welcome to call or email your Account Representative if you need to make revisions to your specifications or delivery requirements.
Like to see samples of our work? Give us a call or email us and we’ll send out a sample kit for your review. As a direct manufacturer, brokers always welcome!
Etched Metal Company is located at:
30200 Solon Industrial Parkway
Solon, OH 44139
FAX 440-248-3556